578 research outputs found

    Enabling Workers to Enter Industry 4.0: A Layered Mobile Learning Architecture

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    Manufacturing companies have to meet a lot of challenges in continuing training for employees. Especially on the way towards industry 4.0 the workforce needs to be able to handle fast changing environments and ever-changing working contexts. Furthermore, they have to be familiar with constantly new technologies (e.g. complex user interfaces, mobile devices) that are introduced during the process of company development. Due to this, working people are facing a lifelong learning process and need to evolve to knowledge workers. To fulfill these requirements new concepts are necessary for human resources development directly at the workplace and therefore adequate artifact designs. In this paper we design a layered architecture for mobile learning at the workplace. This layered approach offers the possibility to educate employees with different qualifications and skills using an integrated solution. Further, we propose to implement appropriate components at each layer to support different kinds of learning

    Understanding Privacy Disclosure in the Online Market for Lemons: Insights and Requirements for Platform Providers

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    Future used car markets may use personal data to reduce information asymmetries between car sellers and buyers, e. g. on past driving behavior. Reducing information asymmetries is attractive for used car platforms as they can move from pure information provision to orchestrating transactions. However, car sellers and buyers have to agree to sharing personal data. What kind of data is interesting for them? Under what circumstances are they willing to share this data? What should a platform do to support data sharing? We explore those research questions as part of the Cardossier project by conducting experiments with the Car-Market Game, simulating a future car market. The results indicate that there is no market for pure personal data (e. g. photographs of sellers), but there is a market for car usage data. From future used car platforms the participants expect disclosure control and disclosure transparency in an environment free of interpersonal trust

    Influences of special driving situations on emissions of passenger cars

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    Emission factors and emission inventories are an im-portant source of data for compiling and modelling the emissions of traffic in different situations. There is in EU a continuous work and development of emission data inventories, [1–6]. Since the introduction (in 2017) of the road-testing (RDE – real driving emissions) as an obligatory element of the legal testing procedures, the increased amount of RDE-data can be used for different objectives, such as: further development of emission inventories, compliance with “In-Service Conformity” (ISC, EU regulation 2018/1832) and market surveillance activities (EU regulation 2018/858). Extensive activities of testing RDE by means of PEMS (portable emissions measuring systems) have been per-formed in the last years, aiming not only the emissions but also the improvements of instrumentation, of testing procedures and of evaluation [5–17]. A well-known fact is that the emissions at cold start, during the warm-up and at the low speed phases of urban operation, both in the laboratory and on the road, tend to be higher for all pollutants [13, 18–24]. This fact supports even the idea for future introduction of urban emission limits for the short trips, which are very frequent in Europe [5]. In order to enable an automatic co-evaluation of emissions from the special (non)driving situations, the necessary definitions were proposed in the present work. With these definitions, the RDE data of 7 vehicles were processed and the emissions in special driving situations were obtained (part 1). Additionally, some special situations like cold start, warm-up and stop&go were reproduced on the chassis dynamometer with cars of different ages and different tech-nology (part 2). This paper gives some new insights in the topic of emissions from special driving situations

    Promoting less complex and more honest price negotiations in the online used car market with authenticated data

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    Online peer-to-peer (P2P) sales of used and or high-value goods are gaining more and more relevance today. However, since potential buyers cannot physically examine product quality during online sales, information asymmetries and consequently uncertainty and mistrust that already exist in offline sales are exacerbated in online markets. Authenticated data platforms have been proposed to solve these problems by providing authenticated data about the negotiation object, integrating it into text-based channels secured by IT. Yet, we know little about the dynamics of online negotiations today and the impact of the introduction of authenticated data on online negotiation behaviors. We address this research gap based on two experimental studies along with the example of online used-car trade. We analyze users’ communicative and strategic actions in current P2P chat-based negotiations and examine how the introduction of authenticated data affects these behaviors using a conceptional model derived from literature. Our results show that authenticated data can promote less complex negotiation processes and more honest communication behavior between buyers and sellers. Further, the results indicate that chats with the availability of authenticated data can positively impact markets with information asymmetries. These insights provide valuable contributions for academics interested in the dynamics of online negotiations and the effects of authenticated data in text-based online negotiations. In addition, providers of trade platforms who aim to advance their P2P sales platforms benefit by achieving a competitive advantage and a higher number of customers

    Testing and evaluating real driving emissions with PEMS

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    Testing of real driving emissions (RDE) with portable emission measuring system (PEMS) in an appropriate road circuit became an obligatory element of new type approval of passenger cars since September 2017. In several projects the Laboratory for Exhaust Emissions Control (AFHB) of the Berne University of Applied Sciences (BFH) performed comparisons on passenger cars with different PEMS’s on chassis dynamometer and on road, considering the quality and the correlations of results. Particle number measuring systems (PN PEMS) were also included in the tests. The present paper informs about influences of E85 on RDE on two flex-fuel-vehicles, discusses some aspects of different ways of evaluation with different programs, shows comparison of different types of PN PEMS and represents the effects of simulation of slope on the chassis dynamometer

    Atmospheric temperature, water vapour and liquid water path from two microwave radiometers during MOSAiC

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    The microwave radiometers HATPRO (Humidity and Temperature Profiler) and MiRAC-P (Microwave Radiometer for Arctic Clouds - Passive) continuously measured radiation emitted from the atmosphere throughout the Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of the Arctic Climate (MOSAiC) expedition on board the research vessel Polarstern. From the measured brightness temperatures, we have retrieved atmospheric variables using statistical methods in a temporal resolution of 1 s covering October 2019 to October 2020. The integrated water vapour (IWV) is derived individually from both radiometers. In addition, we present the liquid water path (LWP), temperature and absolute humidity profiles from HATPRO. To prove the quality and to estimate uncertainty, the data sets are compared to radiosonde measurements from Polarstern. The comparison shows an extremely good agreement for IWV, with standard deviations of 0.08–0.19 kg m−2 (0.39–1.47 kg m−2) in dry (moist) situations. The derived profiles of temperature and humidity denote uncertainties of 0.7–1.8 K and 0.6–0.45 gm−3 in 0–2 km altitude

    SwapCT: Swap Confidential Transactions for Privacy-Preserving Multi-Token Exchanges

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    Decentralized token exchanges allow for secure trading of tokens without a trusted third party. However, decentralization is mostly achieved at the expense of transaction privacy. For a fair exchange, transactions must remain private to hide the participants and volumes while maintaining the possibility for non-interactive execution of trades. In this paper we present a swap confidential transaction system (SwapCT) which is related to ring confidential transactions (e.g. used in Monero) but supports multiple token types to trade among and enables secure, partial transactions for non-interactive swaps. We prove that SwapCT is secure in a strict, formal model and present its efficient performance in a prototype implementation with logarithmic signature sizes for large anonymity sets. For our construction we design an aggregatable signature scheme which might be of independent interest. Our SwapCT system thereby enables a secure and private exchange for tokens without a trusted third party
